With Chinese New Year just around the corner, many families are preparing for a huge day of celebration. Although Chinese New Year may not be celebrated like how it was in the past years due to the obvious hurdles, there’s still other creative ways in which we can celebrate the occasion.
Traditionally, in the days leading up to Chinese New Year, many families organise an open house and invite friends, neighbours, fellow workers, and relatives. A lot of people will donate some money to a charity that they admire, and most will spend time cleaning up the house and sweeping away any ‘bad luck’ to make way for good fortune. Red decorations and cut out paper couplets with words such as ‘happiness’, ‘wealth’ and ‘longevity’ are put on display to welcome in all of the new luck.
But the celebrations aren’t just happening in homes across Malaysia. There has been an increase in celebrations between work mates, whether it be food, gifts or decorations around the workplace, as many businesses are promoting the idea to boost team moral and give employees a new experience.
Decorations around the office can be a great way to get into the spirit of things leading up to Chinese New Year. One of the best ways to decorate your office this Chinese New Year is to create a Photo Wall with your fellow workers.

Photo walls look fantastic, and when made with good quality photos, thought and cohesion, they can transform what was once a boring wall, into a work of art.
But where to start?
Here are 5 tips to help you create beautiful photo walls for your office this Chinese New Year 2022:
- Prepare your images – The first step is to collate your images and work out how many images you want to use. Gather the images that you are thinking of using, either from your computer, camera or printed images from past company events. Then, have a think about what they might look like when combined. The idea is to have a nice blend of colours without too much contrast from one to another. For CNY, red is the dominant colour used, a lot of your images will contain some kind of red in them, so try and gather images with colours that help enhance this. Epson printers are well known for producing good quality, crisp, vibrant colours that will make this step a breeze.
- Collage & Scan – If you are using printed photos, consider combining them together and scanning them to form a larger picture that will fit your preferred layout. This way, you can have more with a creative touch to your photo wall. Try using one of Epson’s perfection range of scanners that offers astonishing scanning quality and versatility for your office.
- Positioning your frames – Once you’ve picked out your photos and the number of frames, think about where you will position them on them wall. There are several different styles you can use. The right positioning of frames can make a huge difference for the result of your photo wall.
- Use a good quality printer – There’s nothing more annoying than spending time on a project and not being able to get the results you wanted because you don’t have the right tools. A great way of getting the most out of your photo wall is to have clear and sharp images. Epson ink tank photo printers are easy to use, provide incredible results and can be used not only for printing great photos, but for everyday tasks, in the office or at home.
- Get a second opinion – Although they can look amazing, it can be tough getting your photo wall perfect. Getting a second opinion from a colleague or friend on the design you’ve chosen for your wall can help you get the result you wanted!
Good luck and Happy Chinese New Year! For information about Epson printers and scanners, visit: https://www.epson.com.my/business-solutions